Sunday, 2 October 2022

Spotted Pardalote - Best Nest Building

At the side of my garden lawn is a low brick wall with small gaps at the second lowest course (the lowest course now being below ground level). Behind the wall is my vegetable garden. This morning I saw two little birds flying in and out of the hole. I looked up my Slatters Bird Guide and noted them to be a pair of Spotted Pardalotes, the female being the red-rumped form. They would fly with a beak full of fibrous material to an acacia which has only recently stopped flowering. They'd then take turns in flying into the hole and presumably creating their nest.

Male spotted Pardalote
The male Spotted Pardalote

Well-hidden nesting site
Slatters guide says that the Pardalote can occur in sclerophyl forest and woodland and typically makes its nest in earth banks.
It will be interesting to watch over the coming months how the family goes.